CommodityTrends specializes in providing top-level financial education for everyday investors. Specifically, we prepare individuals to take advantage of the opportunities in trading commodity futures and options. Our programs are designed to make the learning process straightforward and enjoyable. Our teaching materials use plain English and easy-to-follow examples, and we provide lots of help through our Course Counselors – real human beings based right here in Southern Oregon.
Our programs are under the direction of our head trader and educator, Jim Prince. Jim has over 35 years experience trading the markets and teaching others how to do what he does, with an emphasis on following a tested plan and managing risk.
Everything you need
Enrollment in our Premium program brings subscribers access to all this

The Complete Greatest Business on Earth Training Manual
This easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction manual takes the user from the basics of commodity trading, all the way through advanced trading strategies.
Daily "Premium Alert" Trading Videos
Jim Prince prepares these daily 5-10 minute online videos each morning and posts them weekdays in the member area. They let you "look over his shoulder" as he shows you the markets he’s watching, how to trade them, how to increase profits on each trade, and how to minimize risk.
Specific Trade Alerts
As needed throughout the trading day Jim sends Alerts about important market activity subscribers may want to act on. These are sent via e-mail and text, and help make sure you never miss anything important.
Unlimited Live Support From Our Course Counselors
Call or email our world-class support team anytime you have a question about this amazing business. Each counselor has over a decade helping CommodityTrends students. They are patient and caring and they love what they do.
Our intuitive, easy-to-navigate chart service provides what we believe are the world’s best online commodity charts along with futures and option prices that are updated throughout the day. We programmed in special features that make this the perfect online destination to learn and master the art of trading.
Weekly Training Videos and 24-7 Access to the Members-only "Video Training Library" Archives
Each video covers critical trading strategies in detail, with Jim explaining the nuances of the commodity markets and providing shortcut insider secrets to commodity trading success found nowhere else.
At the Heart of it All Is the CommodityTrends Trading Plan
This trading system, developed by Jim Prince, is a rules-based approach that helps determine trade entries and exits for the commodity markets Jim is following. A trading system such as this bypasses human emotions, which in turn can remove some of the pressures associated with trading.
Jim developed this system based on the lessons he’s learned in over 35 years as a commodity trader and educator. And while not even the most successful trader can claim to have a magic wand, and there are never any guarantees in trading, Jim’s trading record speaks for itself. As part of CommodityTrends’ program, members have access to Jim’s market decisions so they can follow along with Jim’s actual trades if they wish.
Jim offers CommodityTrends members the complete package. He’s an excellent educator who loves interacting with students and is always perfecting his teaching methods. At the same time, Jim is active in the markets where he puts to use the very principles he teaches – with stellar results.
To help members get started they receive a short guide with the guidelines Jim uses for the five main markets the program follows, and instruction on how to follow along. We encourage members to review Jim’s capsule performance of actual trading results, as well as Jim’s detailed trade record.
Thinking of Becoming a CommodityTrends Member?
When you consider everything that’s included in CommodityTrends membership — such as daily trading alerts, live Course Counselors you can contact for help, our amazing charts and tools, and so much more, you might wonder what the cost would be for a program of this caliber.
Well, don’t worry. We’ve kept it all affordable. It’s just $79 a month, and you don’t have to sign any contracts or make any commitments. It’s all on a month-to-month basis and you can cancel at any time with no penalties or extra fees, and no questions asked.
We invite you to discover for yourself everything CommodityTrends has to offer and see whether it really does refresh your life prospects. The markets are constantly offering great opportunities, so don’t put it off. You can get started in just minutes through the “Start Service” link below.
Call our office now at 1-800-853-1172 to start your service or click on the link below to subscribe
Start Service
We will conveniently begin billing your credit card $79 a month.
And you can cancel at any time either by calling our Membership hotline at 1-800-853-1172 or by sending an email to our team of seasoned support specialists.
And you can cancel at any time either by calling our Membership hotline at 1-800-853-1172 or by sending an email to our team of seasoned support specialists.
WARNING: FUTURES AND OPTIONS trading involves high risks and YOU can LOSE a lot of money. The risk of loss in trading commodity futures and options contracts can be substantial. There is a high degree of leverage in futures trading because of the small margin requirements. This leverage can work against you as well as for you and can lead to large losses as well as large gains. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In the event the account has losses, you may need to deposit additional funds to maintain margin or to initiate new positions as called for by the trading program. This brief statement cannot disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of the commodity markets. You should carefully study commodity trading and consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources before you trade. Please know that the above services are not intended to nor shall they provide any commodity trading advice based on or tailored to your particular circumstances or characteristics such as any of your personal financial details, current investments or trading accounts. Past results are not necessarily indicative of Future Results.
Click here for a capsule performance of actual trading results.